Transformative Vertical Flight Working Groups
Over the past four years a community of aerospace professionals that includes technical, regulatory, and business elements have been exploring the potential for new forms of air transportation systems. Their focus has been on systems that embody combinations of on-demand, distributed electric propulsion, and vertiport capabilities. This community has been pursuing their interest through a series of Transformative Vertical Flight (TVF) workshops and working groups.
The objective of the Working Groups is to establish a formal means of continually refining current versions of the Transformative Vertical Flight Roadmap to create an increasingly compelling argument for pursuing this capability.
This website serves as a portal to assist in the establishment, membership recruitment, and continued effective operation of TVF Roadmap Working Groups. Individuals with an interest in contributing to the advancement and realization of Transformative Vertical Flight as a new form of air transportation are encouraged to volunteer as a TVF Working Group member.
Become A Member 4 Primary Groups
Private/Recreational Vehicles
Led by Charles Drew
Short-range personal and recreational on-demand air transportation
Commercial Intra-city
Led by Yolanka Wulff and Darrell Swanson
Short-range urban air-taxi, local package delivery, and air-crane lift systems
Commercial Inter-city
Led by Seren Weber
Longer-range suburban and regional air transit systems, and regional air-transport package distribution
Public Services
Led by Johnny Doo
TVF-enabled search and rescue, law enforcement, medical transport, emergency/humanitarian response, and military operations